Microsoft PowerPoint Making & Presentation Competition

An inter-house Microsoft PowerPoint Making and Presentation Competition was held at our school on Thursday, July 11, 2024, as part of World Population Day. The event was organized jointly by the Computer Science and Social Science departments. The topic of the competition was “Population Explosion.

Each house was represented by a team of two tenth-grade students, with one student responsible for creating the PowerPoint and the other for presenting it. The teams had 40 minutes to complete their presentations, which consisted of 6 to 12 slides, and 5 to 7 minutes to present them.

The competition fostered a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere among the students, who were eager to showcase their creations. The presentations were evaluated by Ms. Ambujakshiamma P.K., Head of the Social Science Department, and Ms. Remya O., Head of the Computer Department. The judges assessed the presentations based on content, subject analysis, usage of PowerPoint tools, colour scheme, font, background, conveyance of thoughts, time management, conclusion, and presentation skills.

The judges congratulated the students for their efforts and dedication.