AMMA reminds us, “Only in the state of love will the beautiful, fragrant flowers of freedom and supreme bliss unfold its petals and bloom”. “Though there are many ways to reach the goal, the four main paths are Bhakti yoga (yoga of devotion), Karma yoga (yoga of action), Jnana yoga (yoga of knowledge) and Raja yoga (yoga of controlling the mind and senses). The purpose of all yogas is to gain control of the mind or thoughts. Whatever may be the path, attainment of the goal is possible only if the vasanas (habits) are attenuated. It cannot be said which path is best because each one is great and unique in its own way.” Amma’s spiritual teachings provide the foundation for Amrita Yoga. Amrita Yoga – Surya Namaskaram can be integrated into the other daily spiritual practices that Amma teaches to enrich our experience of the present moment. It integrates breath with movement as all yoga should, and adds mantras infused into the breath.

Along with the entire country, we Amritians also celebrated International Yoga Day on June 21st, 2015. All children from class IX to XII along with teaching and non-teaching staff participated in this great event. Yoga, as we know is not just concerned with the body or the exercises we do with our body. It is a unique combination where the body and the mind become one. We celebrated this day with our chief guest Professor V.P. Vijayamohan. He delivered an in-depth speech about Yoga, and introduced us to some methodologies in Yoga like Yamam, Niyamam, Asanam, Pranayamam and Prathiyakaram. We all performed simple exercises in Yoga, and students of the senior secondary classes performed “Surya Namaskaram”. The programme concluded with “Ma Aum” meditation.

We are indeed proud to be a part of the First International Yoga Day Celebrations.

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